Sunday, November 8, 2009

Week 6

I was not impressed with YouTube as a classroom resource only because of how many inappropriate choices that are out there. I noticed that some looked very innocent or appeared to be similar to others however when you open them they were trash. I would be very scared to use it with young children. As an adult I couldn't help but get a big laugh from some of the videos. I watched the Lava Burns White Shelterpod In Kilauea video and it was interesting but very s-l-o-w. I am not sure things like that would hold a small child's interest. It would work for older children (middle school).

I liked the National Parks Traveler podcast. I am not sure how this would work with young children. I will have to play more and see what is available. I enjoyed looking at some of the podcasts. I think this is another site that would work best for older children. They could get interested in a particular subject and follow a site.

I spent some time looking at the ebooks and I like the site for the most part. I have seen some better sites than this one for ebooks but I do like the fact that it is free. I would use an interactive website for first grade more than I would use this site. If I taught older children I think this site would be beneficial. My favorite this to do in my spare time is not reading. I would not use this site for personal enjoyment.

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