Sunday, October 18, 2009

week 3 of 23 things project

Today I spent a while looking at flickr. I waited and waited for my pictures to upload and finally when I was totally ready to quit the pictures finally appeared. When I tried to attach the picture I had trouble getting it from flickr to the blog so I cheated and pulled if from my computer instead.

I know we are suppose to blog about how technology had change but instead I am going to say that I would like more information about how to use mappr in my Christmas Around the World unit. If anyone has suggestions I would love them. I love technology and have always tried to use new things in my lessons.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

On the 7 1/2 things: I think the easiest thing for me is to set a goal with the end in mind. Setting the goal and seeing the end picture is not the difficult part. Having the confidence and dealing with the problems that arise is always the most difficult thing for me. I view problems as challenges but they really get under my skin until I get them solved. I think accepting responsibility for learning is the hardest thing for parents and students. They think that everything is the teacher's responsibility.

My New Blog Account

I created my blog aren't you proud of me? This was too easy.